Therapist Availability Updates:

Many of our therapists are still accepting new clients. Please email if you would like help choosing a therapist with availability.

Charlotte King-Harris is full and not taking new clients.

Michelle McElroy is full and not taking on new clients at this time

Patrycja Nielsuchowska is full and not taking on new clients at this time

Allison Thomson is currently taking a wait list. Please email her directly at to be added

Carmelle Hermoso is currently taking a wait list. Please email her directly at to be added

Chelsey Thorpe has limited availability and is currently taking a waitlist. Please email her directly at for further inquiries

Emma Chalifour has limited availability. Please email her directly at for new patient inquiries

Patrycja Niesluchowska has limited availability. Please email her directly at for new patient inquiries

Sarah Doyle is taking a waitlist for her Oak Bay clients but has space at Westshore